Donate future

We hope for your support


Donate future!

Guarantee: Your contribution is 100% in research and teaching - and NOT in the administration. Your donation is of course tax-deductible


  • The quality of research and patient care
  • The targeted development of new diagnostic and treatment procedures
  • The rapid implementation of scientific findings in diagnostics and therapy
  • The education and training of doctors, nurses and students
  • The establishment and establishment of research groups
  • Work in the laboratories for basic and clinical research

Whether as a single donation, a project-related or a regular donation - any form and amount is welcome.

Ready for donation

Donation account Neurosurgery Research & Teaching
BW Bank Stuttgart ∙ IBAN DE41 6005 0101 7477 5037 93 ∙ BIC SOLADEST600
Intended use: Project number ∙ Neurosurgery D.30.07570